Staple city

(Must read the description below)

By making and clicking this picture, I want to share my views about the behaviour of a person. This staple city is referring as You (WE). We all have positive and negatives both. Accept the both; because it completes you. It make that person geniune And we should have "geniune" people in our life, not the "perfect" ones. The staples creatively arranged in variable heights, and sizes, to form this city depict that we all have the emotions of kind, jealous, helpful, gentle and anger (yeah! We all have these emotions, may vary person to person). On the other hand, I chose the scene of dark night which is for bad situations/phases comes in our life.  And this Moonlight is the presence of that real person in your life which turned your darkness in that bad phase into beautiful, positive and more peaceful (full moon night is so soothing and peaceful, I think we all felt that). If you think you're in the situation of dark and negative vibes, try to find out where you feel positive energy. Stay connected to your positive aura.


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