
 जटा टवी गलज्जलप्रवाह पावितस्थले गलेऽव लम्ब्यलम्बितां भुजंगतुंग मालिका। 

डमड्डमड्डमड्डमन्निनाद वड्डमर्वयं चकारचण्डताण्डवं तनोतु नः शिव: शिवम् ॥१॥

With his neck consecrated by the flow of water that flows from his hair,
And on his neck a snake, which is hung like a garland,
And the Damaru drum that emits the sound “Damat Damat Damat Damat”,
Lord Shiva did the auspicious dance of Tandava. May he give prosperity to all of us.

जटाकटा हसंभ्रम भ्रमन्निलिंपनिर्झरी विलोलवीचिवल्लरी विराजमानमूर्धनि।

धगद्धगद्धगज्ज्वल ल्ललाटपट्टपावके किशोरचंद्रशेखरे रतिः प्रतिक्षणं मम:॥२॥

I have a deep interest in Shiva
Whose head is glorified by the rows of moving waves of the celestial Ganga river,
Which stir in the deep well of his hair in tangled locks.
Who has the brilliant fire burning on the surface of his forehead,
And who has the crescent moon as a jewel on his head.


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